IDEOLOGY, the sculpture, balances two symbolic figures of no apparent gender, race, politics or religion. Their magnetic engagement focuses on an invisible concept, an arbitrary point in space. It is nothing more than a construct of the imagination. In this sculpture, the figures appear in dynamic opposition. Ironically, it is the invisible concept that connects them.
Polarization does not confirm right or wrong. Aristotle argued every proposition is either true or false. He simply eliminated the entire universe of possibilities between the extremes. Great strategy for attorneys. A real buzz kill for creative thinkers. Logic blinds us to opportunity while binding us to ineffectiveness. Polarization solves nothing.
How do we let go of an ideology and invite other options for consideration? This is the basis for change. It is the very foundation of innovation. Logic says every step should lead toward your goal. A misstep is a mistake. I disagree. We learn more from mistakes than victories. Sometimes, a wrong can expose us to an better right. It takes courage to step away from the security of our beliefs.
Identification is a foundation for ideology. We label ourselves and our communities to reassure our sense of belonging. This is us. Everything else is them. We are right. They are not right. Our perceived inclusion excludes, and in many instances, devalues everyone else and their opinions. Segmented communities enable participants to feel safe or strong. Ultimately, however, each ideological community is distanced from the larger community. Our differences are reinforced by our ideological limitations.
Labels are limitations. Categorizing an individual by color, sex, religion or other descriptor is not, in my opinion, a sign of respect, but a recognition of differentiation that ultimately leads to separation, division, exclusion, resentment and implied limitations. Labels maintain focus on our differences, not our similarities.
Suspending our ideologies opens the door to overcome conflict. We may learn to appreciate and include others as true equals. We may realize we are ALL people of many COLORS. WE can move beyond racism, sexism, and ageism to a society of humanism.